"Silly Shakespeare" - The Tillin Company

Letztes Jahr gewann die 2CK einen eintägigen Theaterworkshop, der von Vienna‘s English Theatre ausgeschrieben wurde. Dieser Preis wurde freudig angenommen, da er Gelegenheit bot, mit einem professionellen englischen Regisseur auf Englisch zu arbeiten, Shakespeare kennenzulernen und gemeinsam Rollen zu erarbeiten und Neues auszuprobieren.  Nach gründlicher Vorbereitung und Beschäftigung mit den Texten unter der kundigen Anleitung von Frau Professor Postiasi war es letzten Dienstag so weit.

Einstudiert und aufgeführt wurden zwei kurze Einakter, Adaptionen von Shakespeares „Macbeth“ und „Ein Sommernachtstraum“. Dabei wurden wir von Glen Tillin, einem Londoner Regisseur und Schauspieler unterstützt, gesprochen wurde freilich nur Englisch.

Knappe sechs Stunden wurde gemordet, geschmachtet und gestorben, aber vor allem viel gelacht. Hier ein paar Auszüge aus den Rückmeldungen der Nachwuchstalente:

The plays were cool to perform and the mood was very funny and Glen, our director, was always joking around and having fun. The costumes and the sound effects were a good addition because all people were able to really get into their roles. Besides, it was a very nice way to spend a school day with lots of laughter.

I think the whole class can be very grateful to our class teacher for this funny experience.

I really enjoyed the workshop and it was a lot of fun. I liked the way Glen did the workshop with us. He was really funny and he made the day cool. At first it was a little bit awkward but when we all got used to it, we were very comfortable with acting in front of the others. Personally, I think that this workshop helped us with our class community. I really like my classmates and this workshop increased our team spirit. All in all, I can say that I really enjoyed the workshop, it also boosted my confidence and I really liked acting. 

I think the workshop was very funny, we laughed so much. The director from London was very nice and his English was so easy to understand which is very important for me. You could also tell that he enjoyed working with us, so I liked it even more. Apart from that it was a good training for us to be moreextroverted. It was much better than a normal school day and I am happy that I took part.

I definitely enjoyed the workshop yesterday. I think it was an interesting and fun experience and something different to what  we usually do. The director and actor who did the workshop with us is a very friendly and cool guy. The warm up he did with us at the beginning was very funny. I liked the exercises we did, to get into acting. When we started playing our roles he explained every single character and situation really well so we could understand everything and play our parts. The props we were allowed to use made everything more fun. I think all of us did some silly things we could laugh about and did not have to be worried what the others think. It was also a good English training and I learned a lot of new phrases.

Prof. Münzer-Jordan
